Jessica Alba is one hot mama. Her wardrobe must be the size of a house. I do love her style. She looks effortless.
Love the wide cut trousers and fitted jacket Michelle Obama is wearing. When she looks good, she looks great! And Miranda Kerr is stunning eve when she is off duty. I covet that coat! Zoe Saldana and Katie Holmes are so glossily beautiful. Chrisina Ricci scrubs up lovely. Not many could get away with orange satin shorts. But she can.
Beyonce is beautiful as a mother. She look lovely. I like JayZ's natural looking mother. And lovely George Clooney sets my heart a flutter. He really is beyond perfect - he ages better looking and more stylish.
I so covet Elisabeth Banks' dress. It is so wearable and flattering. I might try to make something close. And I am loving Nicole Ritchie's style evolution. She works hard and looks great. is
Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez are such an effortlessly cool looking couple. Both in their mid forties, but look good without trying. And Denise Lewis upped her game. She looks nicer when it's uncomplicated. As does Melanie Brown. She can
almost do classy. And Kylie Minogue looks great when she doesn't try to do fashion
that is too young, short and tight.