I do not. I cannot! I refuse Lil' Lim. And why would you wear a dress that exposes your lady parts? Not a nice dress either. First and last time Kitty Brucknell appears in my blog. Ms Trying too hard to extend her already generous 15 mins. And I love Emili Sande's voice and she seems a lovely and intelligent lady.. it's just her garment choices do not flatter her.
Oh Ashanti. Fire your stylist right away! P Diddy's coat seems beautifully cut, but the way he out it all together is a man who just does not know where to start or end. I hate fur and Kim Kardashian offends.
Jessica White is too fabulous for her clothing choices. Why must I weep. I can't. Please.
Fight the hotness, the natural, clean and healthy. Intervention please.
The men. I can't I quit. More offenders - Ususal suspects (Nancy Del Ollo, Pixie Geldof etc) and some surprises when you click on 'read more' below.
Tulisa is someone who has all of the components of a hottie, but just does not have the swagger to convince. Poor Estelle was steered wrong by her stylist. Nancy. No more. And I don't love Jennifer Hudson's choice.
Vanessa Williams is too fabulous for this curtain gown. Denise Richards and Amber Rose look a little on the drag side. I don't know what to make of Rosario Dawson and Alek Wek's choice. I'm not loving it.
Good old Rachel Zoe. A stylist who has not quite made it on herself. I get that though. And Anna Wintour - I don't know where to start. Really I don't. Florence Welch is individual. I'll leave it there.
Kylie, oh Kylie - at that akward age/stage. I think she would look so much hotter toned down. Ciara is wearing a dip dyed wig. I can't with this wrongness. Actress Ester is wearing a tracksuit top, maxi skirt and oversize tank. It does not go well together.
I am shouting naked emperor with the sating leggings. Anna Friel can carry them off, but I have seen too many atrocities on the street. I am not feeling the real fur hat. And Alex Burke's stylist is having an off day. Pixie Geldof tried the Hollywood siren look. I salute the effort. She sis not make any they effort with Henry Holland.
We can always rely on Kim Kardashian to provide images for this list.
Naomi Campbell is still one of the best models out there. We can tesll the days that she dresses herself.Corrine Bailey Rae is stunning, but this get up is not. I was starting to 'get' Alexa Chung, but we take a step back again in this choice. Christine Hendricks is not doing well in this dress. And Sarah Jessica Parker has been missing the mark recently. I think the dress needs a little jacket.
Ciara and her dip dye wig.Again. I can't. Again. J Lo looks like she forgot trousers. It looks incomplete. Eva Longhoria's dress has a whole pane missing. I do not like it at all. I am not in love with Victoria Beckham and Kate Beckinsdale's choices. Theirs do not offend me as much though.
Something other than the constriction of Sharon Stone's choice. Leanne Cibrian's dress would be very pretty if the top part could have been arranged better. It does not flatter. I don't understand Dakota Channing's outfit. And Viola Davis' dress exposes too much of her chest. Too much.
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