I like this photo of Kate moss. She is looking greyer but cool with it.
Another old school supermodel Naomi C. Love her or hate her.
Looking great, good and .....why? Fashion, Celebrity and Style of the good, bad and the rest.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Gay Paris
I think this lady is almost there. Dare I say almost. Her grooming is too extreme for me. Her style is 'style above everything' and lacks the soul that someone with natural style has. She always looks impeccable, but there is a coldness to her style. I am not feeling the pointed satin boots.
Anna Wintour doing 'urban' amuses me.
Anna Wintour doing 'urban' amuses me.
Oh la la!
Givenchy 2010Givenchy 2010.

Stylishly humble indeed!
Halle on her day off
I'll let the boots and turn-up combination slide (although it is noted) because we are all human and I look like a bag lady on my 'off' days off. She looks great from the shins up.
I'll let the boots and turn-up combination slide (although it is noted) because we are all human and I look like a bag lady on my 'off' days off. She looks great from the shins up.
Hugely talented and very stylish here
Tina Fey
Purple satin is not really that flattering for many people, but Ms Fey carries it off perfectly.
She's a Dame
And a lady
Helen Mirren, I salute you. I cannot say more than that. She holds herself in such a regal manner. I like the fact that she is unapologetically natural.
You wear it well.
Boys who take fashion risks Guys who take fashion risks often can look like they are tryig too hard and fall the wrong side of ridiculous. However, I'm liking this look. Not everyone can carry it off, but Mr Jonas suits his suit very well.
Those who got it wrong when you
Those who got it wrong when you
Oh Dear...
I like Kloe Kardashian, she seems to always be in the shadow of her big sister. But here she should have hidden in the shadows. That fake fur is not working, the thigh high boots are not working. Actually none of it is working!
Ms Jackson if you're nasty...
Janet. Looking hot. I'm kinda 'done' with the Balmain shoulders but I think that this slinky fitted cocktail dress.
I'm so different.
Yes we know... You're different too.
Rhianna has many hits and many misses. This is a miss! Ellen actually looks good here. I like the minxy patent thigh high boots on her.
Rhianna has many hits and many misses. This is a miss! Ellen actually looks good here. I like the minxy patent thigh high boots on her.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Fugly Fur
Kanye and Amber.

WTF. Did a stylist do this to you? I hope you can blame someone else for this f##'ery.
*blank stares all round. More ridiculous dressing when you read the rest..
Life is Good..
A happy lady. And it looks like her mother has stopped dressing her. She's been looking pretty hot lately. Loving the oneshouldered ruffled number. Perhaps she was a little too 'stage' with the make up (less is more). But still looking good!
Couply pics when you read the rest...
A happy lady. And it looks like her mother has stopped dressing her. She's been looking pretty hot lately. Loving the oneshouldered ruffled number. Perhaps she was a little too 'stage' with the make up (less is more). But still looking good!
Couply pics when you read the rest...
What Happened Pharrel?
It's gone... the hotness. It's just gone *weeps silently*
I went to a party he attended a couple of years ago and Pharrel Williams had women throwing themselves at him and even though I wasn't one of them, I sooo got it. He is really going 'method' with this 'hobo' look, missing teeth and all. Never thought I'd think Kanye could look better than him.
I went to a party he attended a couple of years ago and Pharrel Williams had women throwing themselves at him and even though I wasn't one of them, I sooo got it. He is really going 'method' with this 'hobo' look, missing teeth and all. Never thought I'd think Kanye could look better than him.
OOh Whitney,
The Original Diva
I know it's probably photoshop helped, but she is looking great. Whitney, Whitney, Whitney!
What have you done to your mouth lady?

This is a perfectly pretty girl who should have stopped with her teeth capped, then it's the false lashes which are still OK and now it seems like she is going for some mouth work. Time talk to your real friends. They're the ones who tell you when to stop, Cheryl Cole.
Picture of before and her looking nice when you read the rest...
I don't think it was a good look back then either.
It's a Struggle..
Why do pretty girls fight their hotness? There's blonde and there's yellow. Yellow is cute on ducklings and not on hair in my opinion. Just my veiw.
Ms Collins and Ms Turner!
Still Rocking in their 70's..
Quintessentially Joan Collins
My Name is Tina, Ms Turner if you're nasty!
Anna Mae has come a long way.
New Sylist?
Someone finally told Mimi how you are supposed to dress for the red carpet. Looking nice with a pretty pregant Paula Patton.
Oh Halle
She made my Fab list for 2009. I want to, but I just can't hate her. Wearing silk and lace and still looking classy. You just know if Britney wore it, perhaps it would look.. *whispers* cheap?
Pinup Perfect
OOOOh, Ms Tease
Dita Von Tease always looks like the perfect pinup (Betty Page ilk). Here she is with the lovely Mr Gautier.
Looking nice
No pressure now..
And she is looking better than ever. Natalie Cassidy looks good with her curves etc. She looks really confident and happy. I don't know why she starved herself.
So Maybe I'll stay
I know. The picture below has nothing to do with moving home! I'm here for now to see which one works the best for us all.
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Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Moving home...
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