The sinking blue feeling continues. Stylists need to be hired or fired. It looks like Charlotte Ross (no clue, sorry) hacked her dress in two, hiked it up and pulled it down. I didn't understand the film 'Blue Velvet' and I don't understand the dress on Estelle. Or the hair, shoes etc.

JB Gill and his partner suit each other. I'll leave it with the positive. VV Brown.. I am all cried out, please take me home. Ciara still shakes out her extra thick wig for her 'casual' look. I don't know where the 'I am too simple to wear my trousers properly' look started. It should have died there too. It is all the way wrong and needs to stop now.

Look in the mirror before you leave the house. Always. Showers, sleep and prayer might help Ms Lohan.
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