They didn't quite make it into the best or worst dressed for this month, but they deserve a mention.
Aretha Franklin is the Queen of Soul. For that, I ignore the wig, the dress and the weight/health issues. I salute you Aretha. Jerry Hall is human. Lets leave it there.
I don't get Angelina Jolie (I can see she is beautiful etc, but I don't get the fuss), but here she is striding and striking. Liz Hurley is starting to look a little hammy to me these days.
Estelle is always found on my worst dressed list. In first photo, she looks OK, then I see the full length shot and it's a struggle for me not to. I do like her hair. I don't understand the dress/shoe combination. I am confused.
Mel B in her 'oh those pesky paparazzis (I got my publicist to call)' look. She has lost some of the muscle definition, but still looks great in a bikini. Another Physique that gets a lot of attention is Serena William and her behind. I am amazed. I didn't know they made jeans for that shape. Really.
Heidi Klum looks good. Not great, but good. Zoe Kravitz's dress is pretty. Those shoes are not and do not do anything for this (or any) outfit. Kelly Osborne looking better than usual. Not great, but better.
Cassie is beautiful and I do like her edgy look. However, she shovels make up with the contact lenses, she looks a little like (beautiful) a Filipino lady boy.
Gabourey Sidibe is just too fat. Too fat. Her arms are the size of thighs. I cannot see what she is wearing, I just see the obesity and short life expectancy. I hope she gets some help. Soon.
My guilty pleasure, 50 Cent's swagger has lost his edge for me. I can't say what it is exactly. Perhaps it's the expensive suit that just looks average. I
quite nearly like Charlotte Church's sunglasses and hat combination, the outfit was not so great – hence I cropped it out.
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