Casually nearly there.
I almost like Kim Kardashian's outfit. The trousers are making her look extra wide. However, this is the length that tops should. I am not feeling the cropped baggy/loose ones. And this is the best I have seen Peaches Geldof and her other half. Looking clean and fresh (for them anyway). Well done!
And there..
Kylie. You see, sometimes she gets it really on the nose. Looking casually lovely here. Arlenis Sosa (model) wearing a maxi dress that I need in my life. It looks so comfortable and hides the sins of the flesh (in my case – in between waxed legs!)
Casually awful
I heart Katy Perry for her spirit, however I don't heart her style. The look is interesting. Lets leave it there. I also heart Beyonce, but this outfit is wrong on every level. The top, the middle, the bottom and the shoes. I can't see them working in different combinations, but they certainly don't work together.
Aw, I want to give Jessica Simpson a break, but this outfit is not working. Any of it. Princess Euginie is not the most beautiful flower in the garden. But why emphasise it? Eva Parker is not looking good at all. This dress looks like a Primark markdown, and I am sure the bag is premium leather, but it looks cheap and unnecessary.
I have said it before and I'll say it again, Britney Spears makes too much paper to look like this. The hair is a shame. Hang your head Ken Paves, hang your head!
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