
Penelope Cruz looks beautiful but somewhat average in this dress. I expected more. I like Zoe Salanda, but I really don't like this pom-pom pinyatta detail. The top half of the dress is lovely and I even like the colour blend.

I'm a Sarah Jessica Parker fan, but I don't like the hair or the dress or the make up but in general I do really like SJP. I the dress on the red carpet worked quite well and had lovely detail at the front and the back, but all the ideas just didn't work. If I was going to the oscars, I would invest in a good manicure or not draw attention to my hands if they are not great (mine aren't). Too much bling - yes, I know it's the Oscars!
Hung Jury

Someone please show Kristen Stewert how to stand! This girl droops and I have to imagine the dress on someone else to work out if it is a pretty dress or not. I think I like this Hilary Swank dress.
Dodgy Couplings

Keisha Whittaker looks like she needs some food and I love the McQueen dress, but Salma H looks a little like a lolipop head here.
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