Mariah Carey - Full frontal.

Having said that, she still looks pretty (her face).
Britney! You're too fab for this...

Ms Spears, you have too much folding money for this. There is too much wrong with this picture. Do we start at the top? The bad extensions (that will thin your hair), badly dyed hair - the fried blonde look, the bag, the spiderman reject shawl, the white socks with the shoes.. I’ll stop. I'll stop.
Nicole Kidman what’s happened to you?

She used to be so pretty and natural and nowadays looks contrived and like she has had too much work done – the lips and botox. The pink dress is enhancing the robotic 'stepford wife' look. Life imitating art again.
Pixie Geldof insitsts on fighting whatever hotness she has.

I have no words.
Oh Sarah!

Sarah Cawood, where do I begin.... I can't.
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